August 28, 2024

Donald J. Trump has always been thirsty for power, and as an aging narcissist, he will only get worse. As Harris says, "Project 2025 is the blueprint for Trump to make himself the most powerful president ever," -- and she's not wrong. Even as Donald tries to distance himself from Project 2025, there is no daylight between that and his Agenda 47.

The ad features Donald saying, "I would have every right to go after them," and then the narrator says, "Complete control."

Trump says, "I will yield that power very aggressively," before the narrator says, "And he has a plan to get it."

It's a "922-page blueprint to make Donald Trump the most powerful president ever," the narrator says. "Overhauling the Department of Justice, giving Trump the
unchecked power to seek Vengeance. Eliminating the Department of Education and defunding K through 12 schools."

"Requiring the government to monitor women's pregnancies and severe cuts to Medicare and Social Security," the ad continued. "Donald Trump may try to deny it, but those are Donald Trump's plans."

The ad cuts to Donald saying, "Well, revenge does take time. I will say that, and sometimes revenge can be justified."

"He'll take control; we'll pay the price," the narrator adds.

Amazingly, we're in a fight to keep a morally and ethically bankrupt felon from obtaining the keys to the White House again after his administration's 4-year crime spree, but here we are.

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