Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took to Fox News airwaves on Sunday to beg his friend Donald Trump to cease the racist attacks on Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.
August 4, 2024

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took to Fox News airwaves on Sunday to beg his friend Donald Trump to cease the racist attacks on Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

During an interview on Fox News Sunday, guest host Jacqui Heinrich asked Graham about Trump's repeated slurs about Harris at last week's National Association of Black Journalists Conference.

"Doesn't this kind of language alienate millions of Black voters, including from your state?" Heinrich said.

Yeah, you know, 30% of my state is African-American," Graham pointed out. "So here's what I would say to President Trump. The problem I have with Kamala Harris is not her heritage, it's her judgment."

"Every day we're talking about her heritage and not her terrible, dangerous liberal record throughout her entire political life, it's a good day for her and a bad day for us," he continued. "So I would encourage President Trump to prosecute the case against Kamala Harris's bad judgment."

Heinrich pointed out that Trump had not "received that message yet."

"I mean, he had an introductory speaker last night, sort of doubled down on this conversation," she explained. "Would you advise that he just stop talking about that?"

"I think, Mr. President, this is your election to lose," Graham implored. "So let's win this election. How about that? Let's win an election we can't afford to lose."

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