July 31, 2024

Isn't she special. Lara Trump, whose hobbies include singing and working as a nepo baby political strategist, compares Vice President Kamala Harris to a trash bag. (This, from a woman who's on her social media drinking around her crying kid.) Via the New York Times:

Lara Trump, the Republican Party co-chair and former President Donald J. Trump’s daughter-in-law, compared Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday to a fashion designer’s faux “trash bag” that gained notoriety for its nearly $1,800 price tag.

Ms. Trump, speaking to Sean Hannity on Fox News, complained that Ms. Harris was now being championed as “some sort of amazing political figure” by people who had harbored doubts about her before President Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed her to be the party’s presidential nominee.

“It reminds me of — there was this bag that a very famous designer designed — this was several years ago,” she said. “And it literally was a trash bag, but they sold this thing for like $2,000, thinking that people would actually buy it. It’s a similar situation with Kamala Harris.”

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