July 18, 2024

Well, Willie, you may not know this, but most ordinary people don't go to dry cleaners anymore. That's why so many of them have gone out of business.

Now, you live in tony Westchester County, in a neighborhood filled with media types, lawyers, ad execs, and political staffers. People who probably use dry cleaners, because they wear suits.

But that ain't most of us. We toss our clothes in the wash.

You keep bringing this up to rationalize the pile-on against Joe Biden. As if insiders sharing gossip in your expensive neighborhood actually reflects the will of the people. It doesn't.

And let's compare this with the other guy. Is he a national crisis? Are you all gossiping and planning how to get the Republican party to dump the convicted felon/rapist/tax fraud/serial liar?

Of course you aren't. Can you tell us why?

Didn't think so..

Can you help us out?

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