Where Is Trump's Medical Briefing?
Credit: @bluegal (Composite) via Bing AI
July 18, 2024

As the media coalesces around Biden's age and health status, the 78-year-old Trump, who sustained an injury during an assassination attempt on Saturday, has given no word on his physical and mental status, and the Beltway media hasn't even bothered to inquire about it.

It's absurd and another abdication of journalistic standards by the press when it comes to Republicans.

Donald Trump is set to give his Republican National Convention speech tonight so why hasn't his campaign sent out a medical report on his condition?

Shouldn't the American public know? How is his mental makeup?

Since Trump only hurt his ear, he's been able to have a presence at the convention, and you can bet that however he performs or what he says tonight, it will be hailed by the MSM.

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