July 9, 2024

Did Ted Cruz invest in this app?

Gizmodo has the story.
One Houston-area man is using the Whataburger app to check power outages around him following the landfall of Hurricane Beryl in Texas. The Whataburger app works as a power outage tracker, handy since the electric company doesn’t show a map,” BBQ Bryan said in a post on X. “Still nearly 1.9 million power outages.”

According to PowerOutage.us—an independent website that tracks outage maps across the U.S.—more than 2 million Texans are still without power. Beryl hit the Gulf Coast at around 4 a.m. on Tuesday as a category 1 hurricane. The 65 mph winds knocked down power lines and felled trees. At least eight people are dead and millions are without power.

No power during storms , heatwaves, and cold freezes.

Yeah, gotta love the Longhorn state.

Open thread below.

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