July 18, 2024

In 2019, Steve Bannon filmed Jeffrey Epstein for an estimated 15 hours for what he claims is a documentary.

As Business Insider reports, "Bannon's explanation that he was producing a documentary about Epstein was nonsense, according to people who spent time with both men around the time they were in each other's lives."

This comes as no surprise since Trump is all over the Epstein Files.

Mark Epstein, Jeffrey Epstein's brother, said Bannon was trying to help his brother "rehabilitate his reputation" after the Miami Herald in 2018 published a series of articles — which ultimately led to an indictment by federal prosecutors in Manhattan — about his sexual abuse of girls in Palm Beach.

Mark Epstein told BI that his brother had sent him footage of some of Bannon's interview with him.In that interview, Mark Epstein told BI last year, "Jeffrey said he stopped hanging out with Trump when he realized Trump was a crook."

It's wild to me that the mainstream press is mum on Trump and Bannon when it comes to the now dead sexual predator. What better time to ask questions about these relationships than at the Republican Convention?

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