Mike's Blog Round-Up
Sad FlagCredit: M. Bouffant
July 6, 2024

The "I'm still as fucking angry as hell, damn you all, & I will be Saturday when this is published!!" Edition

Today's Edition Newsletter offers "The press vs democracy". Needs a period after the "vs", which should also be italicized, ninny. (How do these people make it out of college w/o learning English? Are they the morons, or is it the schools' fault? I'm a high-school drop-out, & I know better.)

Sensing a theme: P.M. Carpenter on the press.

We sadly note the passing, after a short illness, of Jack Cluth, of North Stars and Cowboy Bars, which was regularly featured here.

Jeff Tiedrich: this is getting fucking ridiculous
for the future of our democracy, this game of gotcha has got to end

The incredibly irritated M. Bouffant did this. Submit to mbru@crooksandliars.com.

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