July 1, 2024

It was Sherlock Holmes who said, "How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"

And that's how I assess the media, as uncomfortable as it is for a former journalist. It seems crazy that the most prestigious publications in the country would be looking to build a case against the incumbent president, just as crazy as it seemed when they made (literally) a federal case about Hillary Clinton's emails. But when you have eliminated the impossible...

For better or for worse, our media have anointed themselves as the only legitimate gatekeepers of elected office.

It would be easier to take them at their word if they hadn't turned a blind eye to Trump's growing impairment. Seriously: You turn on Joe Biden after one bad night, probably induced by OTC cold medicine, and you ignore someone who 500 mental health professionals consider so dangerous, they made a public statement?

Here's Dr. John Gartner, founder of Duty to Warn:

Now ask yourself: Why has the media declared Trump's obvious mental health decline a no-go zone? Could it as simple as their owners preferring the tax breaks that would come with another Trump administration?

Can you help us out?

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