July 25, 2024

Harry Enten, formerly an analyst with FiveThirtyEight and currently with CNN, explained the damning new poll numbers for JD Vance.

There's usually a bump for candidates following a convention, but JD Vance won the honor of having the worst poll numbers directly following their convention since 1980.

ERIN BURNETT: What do you see right now?

HARRY ENTEN: Frankly, I don't really understand the pick, and apparently neither do the American voters.

Because we take a look at the net favorable rating for J.D. Vance. That's a favorable minus unfavorable.

It's a negative net territory.

Look at that. Negative six points.

I will tell you, Erin, I have gone all the way back since 1980.

He is the first guy, after immediately following a convention, who was a VP pick and actually had a net negative favorable rating.

That is underwater.

The average since 2000 is plus 19 points. J.D. Vance, making history in the completely wrong way.

I mean, it's amazing.

Plus 19.

BURNETT: And I know people talk, VPs don't usually matter, but they're usually, at least not a negative. Usually they're pretty popular.

ENTEN: Usually they're popular. In this case, he's dragging Trump down.

Ohio is already a red state, so it made no sense for the cockwobbler to pick Vance for any reason, except that he's white and "good-looking."


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