Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani blamed "communist sympathizers" in a tirade after a Manhattan appeals court ruled that he should be immediately disbarred.
July 6, 2024

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani blamed "communist sympathizers" in a tirade after a Manhattan appeals court ruled that he should be immediately disbarred.

During his America's Mayor Live show, Giuliani responded to his disbarment after the court said he "undermined the integrity of this country's electoral process."

"You know what's not democracy?" Giuliani ranted. "Taking [former President Donald Trump] off the ballot. Because you say he was involved in an insurrection, but you haven't charged or proven it anywhere."

The former mayor directed his ire at "crooked" Attorney General Merrick Garland and special counsel Jack Smith.

"Smith is a guy who should be disbarred, not me!" Giuliani exclaimed. "He ruined a man's political career. He was selected by crooked Garland to do the same thing to Trump."

"Given the fact that the Democrat-Fascist Bar Association, otherwise known as Democrats, but probably what a good many communists sympathize with, since they have decided to disbar me today after three or four years of thinking about my case, three or four years, I mean, they don't act fast," he continued.

"Since they decided to disbar me today, I think maybe it is really important for me to tell all of you about the city that I know better than all of them."

Giuliani complained that Manhattan judges were appointed instead of being elected.

"That's a complete sham," he insisted, pointing to two judges who tried cases against Trump.

"And I'm telling you, the hearing officer that I had is right out of that same group of rotten Democrats," Giuliani griped.

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