July 22, 2024

Fox isn't dealing so well with the immediate aftermath of Joe Biden's announcement that he's withdrawing from the presidential race. We're likely to see the lot of them flailing around for a while as they try to figure out what the best line of attack is on Harris.

Right now, it doesn't look like the "Dems in disarray" attack is landing, with people lining up pretty quickly to endorse the Vice President. During some of their breaking coverage on Fox, here's how weekday host Harris Faulkner responded to the news:

FAULKNER: So I have a couple of thoughts on this. If anybody was afraid that democracy would be upended, we are watching it today. Joe Biden did not capitulate to this to give Kamala Harris a leg up. He's had three and a half years to do that. He's given her some of the toughest assignments that nobody could solve, like the border.

Well, he didn't want to try and he knew she couldn't do it and she didn't. So if he really wanted to support her, he would have done it before this day in July, 2024. So there's that part of it. Who who's up next?

I'm hearing Gretchen Whitmer, too. They want to take the rust belt. You start with Michigan. You have a good chance, but you've got a problem now. Senator JD Vance from Ohio with a compelling personal story.

Which was followed by Faulkner claiming that the only reason the Clintons endorsed Harris is they want to keep her campaign chest, and pretending that people that voted for the Biden/Harris ticket wouldn't actually want Harris to take Biden's place, even though that's literally been one of the most important parts of her job for the last three and a half years, and calling the Biden campaign, rather than Trump, a threat to democracy.

Which was hilariously followed about an hour later with Dana Perino reluctantly reporting that what Faulkner said about Whitmer was not true, and that Whitmer has no intention of challenging Harris for the nomination.

Cue the sad trombone for Fox.

h/t Justin Baragona

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