July 19, 2024

Fox and Friends hosted three supposedly "undecided" voters from Wisconsin on the Fox couch today. The topic was Trump's ridiculous and over-long acceptance speech at the RNC.

Only one of them thought Trump was boring, saying the same things over and over again with no vision for the future. (Which is the clip I used.) That "undecided voter" did admit he had attended two Trump rallies.

How are you "undecided" if you go to his Berlin rallies?

Jones: And how do you think the former president did in that speech?

Rick: I liked the beginning part, and then it turned into more of a rally speech, and I've seen two of his rallies in person.

And then I got bored, to be totally honest with you.

And I thought he kept looking back, saying, four years ago we did this, and I'm like, I want to know what's going on in the next four years.

I'm tired of hearing what you did.

I want to know what you're going to do.

And so it didn't push me closer to him.

But by the end of the segment, all three undecided voters said they would probably vote for Trump. If the speech didn't change Rick's mind, why would he say he's "undecided" if he will vote for Trump?

Another fraud perpetrated by Fox News. Case closed.

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