July 23, 2024

Donald Trump Junior hysterically believes there are Democrats that watch his podcast and they should vote for his father, who is pro-democracy, even though they support drive-through abortions.

Junior Trump, the sidekick son, is pushing the idiotic narrative that all MAGA creeps are, which goes something like this: Obama and billionaires have thrown out Biden, and since Kamala Harris didn't win the primary, Democrats should be outraged, and she should be disqualified, to run. I think,...

Hey f**k face, Kamala Harris is now the presumptive nominee, and is the sitting Vice President of the United States.

...If I'm a Democrat voter, why don't you just honestly show them that enough is enough. Show them that your vote actually matters and vote for Trump Think about it this way vote for Trump.

Democratic voters want Kamala Harris to be the nominee. She's raised 81 million dollars in twenty-four hours. Not one actual Democratic voter wants to see Junior's traitorous father get near the Oval Ocffice.

If there are any Democrats in the stream, you know, maybe pop in now before I get to the news today. I'm kind of curious about this one, but like, pop in.

Like, you can get back to like your, I know you want like drive-through abortions and, you know, transgender surgeries for 18-month-old babies without parental consent.

You know, I get what you want, fine.

That may be your thing.

Wouldn't you be better off voting for Trump?

Wow, what a way to woo voters.

Donnie ranted about Dems voting for four years of his sex-assaulting daddy.

So the fact that Kamala Harris is just gonna be anointed, or you know, Joe Biden and or the Clintons or whoever it is could just choose who it's going to be next.

It's a problem. So, I don't know.

That's just my opinion.

Do I see a mirror and a straw in the background?

Can you help us out?

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