July 30, 2024

The incredibly creepy Blake Masters, the Arizona Republican congressional candidate, in 2021 criticized women who have cats but who are not married and do not have children, calling it “sick” and “demented.”

Sounds familiar, right? He's also a venture capitalist who is a Peter Theil protege -- just like J.D. Vance, who has his own recent problems with cat ladies. Via Huffpost:

In a newly unearthed video, Masters, then 35, laments that most of his peers from Stanford Law School are not married, don’t have kids and are not on track to own a home.

“That’s obviously bad,” Masters said in remarks at a December 2021 event hosted by Republicans for National Renewal, a far-right political advocacy group. “There’s something very dysfunctional about that.”

He went on to specifically attack “the cat ladies.”

“I think it’s a sick kind of cope; they try to brag about this,” said the Arizona Republican. “You see the cat ladies just kind of say, ‘Oh, I don’t want to be married. Marriage is a construct of the patriarchy. Right? I don’t want to have children. Why would you have children? Having children is bad for the environment.’ And that’s demented.”

What's demented is that Republicans believe we should care what they think.

Oh, and Masters also wants to privatize Social Security. He's running in the Arizona congressional primary that's taking place today. If you live there, you might want to warn your friends.

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