July 21, 2024

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) claimed without evidence that the man who allegedly shot former President Donald Trump was "obviously working with someone."

During a Sunday interview on Fox News, Luna said she planned to press Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle about the background details of Thomas Crooks, the alleged gunman.

"I also, too, have some questions about who exactly this kid was working with," she opined. "So we do know that he was a gamer, he was operating on a website called Discord, which is a chat room, and that it's very likely with the equipment that he came up with, the explosives, and the detonator that he was obviously working with someone."

"More importantly, I want to know why [Cheatle is] not resigning," Luna added. "I think tomorrow you'll see probably it's likely that she'll step down."

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