June 17, 2024

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo turned to Ben Carson to ask if President Joe Biden would live to see the 2024 election.

During a Sunday interview on Fox News, Carson claimed that Americans "don't have leadership."

"Well, you have somebody who's impaired with the nuclear codes in charge of the military, in charge of the safety of the people of our country," Carson said.

Bartiromo asserted there were "questions about President Biden's capacity" because of his behavior on a recent trip to Italy.

"You're a doctor," she told Carson. "Do you believe President Biden makes it to the election or will he be — I mean, the Democrats are not stupid, right?"

"But are they going to push to — to make him withdraw?" she wondered.

Carson said he was "sure" Democrats were plotting to replace Biden on the 2024 ticket.

"Well I'm sure they're they are gathering and trying to figure out how they get out of this dilemma which they created because they knew from the beginning that he was having some cognitive issues," Carson opined.

"His wife, in particular, must have known that, and yet there's such a desire for power and prestige that you put the welfare of the country and the people on the back burner," he added.

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