June 5, 2024

As they say, better late than never.

On Tuesday, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul announced that he has filed felony charges against former Trump lawyers Kenneth Chesebro and Jim Troupis, as well as former Trump aide Mike Roman: The charges stem from the 2020 fake elector scheme.

Kaul filed the charges in Dane County Circuit Court against Kenneth Chesebro, a Wisconsin native and lead architect of the 2020 fake elector plan; former Dane County Judge Jim Troupis, who represented Trump in Wisconsin during the 2020 election; and Mike Roman, a former Trump aide who allegedly delivered Wisconsin's slate of false elector paperwork to a Pennsylvania congressman's staffer in order to get them to Vice President Mike Pence on Jan. 6, 2021.

In a press conference outside of the state Capitol on Tuesday, Kaul declined to answer questions about whether he was considering or ruling out charges against the 10 Wisconsin Republicans who signed the paperwork falsely claiming to be electors for Trump.

"I'm not going to comment on specific individuals but what I can say is that this is an ongoing investigation and our decisions are going to be based on those facts and what the best interests of justice show," Kaul said.

Governor Tony Evers responded to the news with just one word - "Good."

On the other end of the spectrum, coconspirator and Russian asset Ron Johnson's fear was almost palpable:

Keep in mind that if RoJo were to face any charges for his role in the whole sordid affair, they would be issued from by the US Depart of Justice. But it's still fun to watch him sweat.

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