The herbicide used to poison the trees leached into a neighboring park and the town's only public seaside beach. The state attorney general is now investigating.
June 20, 2024

(Above: Amelia Bond left, and Lisa and Leon Gorman. Leon died in 2015. Audio from WGBH, Boston.)

Suspicious deaths in an idyllic seaside community and detective work that points to poison sound like themes from a classic murder mystery. But the victims in this Maine whodunit were trees that stood in the way of a wealthy family's oceanfront view, allegedly felled by well-heeled killers who, while ostracized and publicly shamed, remain free. Via Associated Press:

Wealth and hubris fuel the tale of a politically connected Missouri couple who allegedly poisoned their neighbor's trees to secure their million-dollar view of Camden Harbor. The incident that was unearthed by the victim herself — the philanthropic wife of L.L. Bean's late president — has united local residents in outrage.

To make matters worse, the herbicide used to poison the trees leached into a neighboring park and the town's only public seaside beach. The state attorney general is now investigating.

"Anybody dumb enough to poison trees right next to the ocean should be prosecuted, as far as I'm concerned," said Paul Hodgson, echoing the view of many exasperated residents in Camden, a community of 5,000 nestled at the foot of mountains that sweep upward from the Atlantic Ocean and overlook a harbor filled with lobster boats, yachts and schooners.

[...] "Wealth and power don't always go hand in hand with intelligence, education and morals," he said. "This was atrocious and gross and any other word you want to use to describe abhorrent behavior."

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