June 19, 2024

Donald Trump kicked off his rally in Wisconsin with some doozies. At this point, there is no good argument to make Felon 45's cognitive decline less of a problem than it is. In every rally, he's glitching out. For example, Trump recently claimed that comedian Joan Rivers, who has been dead for eleven years, voted for him in 2016. And this sort of issue is happening more frequently with the former reality show star turned President turned felon. So, of course, Trump is using his skills of projection to claim that it's Joe Biden who is unfit for office.

And, he claims, without evidence, that the cheap fake videos circulating about Biden at a fast and furious pace, are genuine when even a couple of conservative outlets called them out. Imagine that. The guy who has been screaming about fake news is OK with this. And, of course, he called the cheap fakes "clean fakes" because he's a stupid motherfucker.

"But Crooked Joe and his handlers are insisting he's sharper than ever," Lumpy said. "And they say the videos of Crooked Joe shuffling around are clean fakes. You know what a clean fake is?"

"They're deceptively edited," the twice-indicted one continued. "They say they're deceptively edited all of the mistakes that he's made every day. He can't go anywhere without a mistake."

"Now, if I'm perfect, they say he made a mistake," he said. He is perfect. And I don't say clean fakes, although they do. They do that. They do that. They're the fake news. Look how many you have out there. They're all over the place."

The crowd then booed the media outlets covering his rally.

"But with me, they take a good speech, and they make it look as bad as possible with him," he added. They take the worst speech you've ever heard and they try and make him look like semi normal. These are shameless liars who are trying to deceive you..."

If Trump were being targeted with similar cheap fakes, he would raise hell. However, the reason they are being created to attack Biden is that Trump-supporting media outlets are concerned that the former President won't win the keys to the White House again. And they should be worried.

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