“Everybody was shocked. I couldn’t believe he said that. But he was making a joke about the Nazi ovens and killing people, and that’s the way he was," Trump executive Barbara Res said.
June 24, 2024

Via Taegan Goddard's Political Wire, another crude, rude, and offensive remark from the Orange Fart Joke:

Barbara Res, a former Trump Organization vice president, told MSNBC that Donald Trump once joked about Nazi “ovens” to Jewish executives.

Said Res: “It reminds me of a time when we had just hired a residential manager, a German guy. And Donald was bragging among, to us executives, there were four of us, about how great the guy was and he was a real gentleman, and he was so neat and clean. And he looked at a couple of our executives who happen to be Jewish, and he said ‘Watch out for this guy, he sort of remembers the ovens,’ you know, and then smiled.”

She added: “Everybody was shocked. I couldn’t believe he said that. But he was making a joke about the Nazi ovens and killing people, and that’s the way he was.”

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