June 30, 2024

In a preview from his interview on Sunday's This Week show, Bannon declared he feels “great” about reporting to prison on Monday for defying a Jan. 6 Committee subpoena. He even likened it to having “served my nation” in the Navy. “I’m serving my country right now as a political prisoner … of Nancy Pelosi and Merrick Garland,” he added. “It will not suppress my voice.”

But it seems in private he’s not so intrepid. The Daily Beast reported that a source “close to” Bannon said he is “quite concerned” about being housed in a federal prison along with sexual and violent offenders.

Of course, if Bannon really felt so terrific about “serving his nation” as a political prisoner, he wouldn’t have fought the sentence for two years, including a failed appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Given his love for the convicted felon who boasts about sexually assaulting women and is liable for big bucks over his sexual abuse of E. Jean Carroll, you’d think Bannon would feel right at home in his new digs.

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