June 3, 2024

Groundswell psycho and a member of the hate group American Family Association Sandy Rios claimed Trump shows great character and respect for God because he's still married to Melania.

These MAGAts are so laughable that it is frightening how corrupted they are.

[Donald Trump] has such great respect. You know, he has respect for God.

He has respect for him. He appointed these justices who believed in the sanctity of life. That's why we overturned Roe versus Wade.

And he loves this country.

The only God this decrepit, overweight, orange make-up covered head with a bad comb-over narcissist believes in is his own image. It's an ugly one at that.

I want to, the other thing I, in terms of his character, this is a billionaire. Good looking man who could have all kinds of women. And he did. He didn't, he wasn't a Christian, didn't claim to be.

He was a playboy billionaire. But he sort of took a different path, it seems, when he married Melania. Seems very committed to her. And he loves this country.

Trump slept with Stormy Daniels while Melania was pregnant with Baron, Sandy.

Bragging about grabbing p****ies anytime he wanted, paying off porn stars to keep them quiet, and trying to overthrow the US government is not a man of character.

It's the mark of a serial criminal.

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