June 18, 2024

Last week, Felon Trump called Milwaukee "horrible." Immediately, the Wisconsin Republican delegation fell all over themselves trying to do damage control by denying he said it, to trying to clarify by saying he meant election integrity, elections in general and/or crime.

Almost as immediately, Trump started getting slammed by Biden, who came out with a line of pro-Milwaukee merchandise, and by the DNC, who plastered the city with billboards with Trump's ugly mug and ugly quote.

Felon Trump's damage control wasn't nearly as fast. It wasn't until Saturday that he responded by denying that he ever said such a thing about Milwaukee:

TRUMP: They lie and they make up a story that I said something bad about Milwaukee. And I just ask you this - who would do that? Who would say something bad about a place that you want to win, you want to win over. The only thing I say is I want to keep this election nice and honest, and if we do that, I'm going to be very happy.

The Orange Felon then repeated the same thing on Truth Social:


Now, Trump is trying to deny saying something that he said is nothing new. He does it all the time. However, there's more. There's always more.

Before he denied saying what he said, Trump admitted saying it but tried to spin it as he was worried about things like crime, election integrity, and so on.

It should be noted that crime is down significantly, and numerous audits, recounts, and lawsuits have not changed anything. The only irregularity in the entire state was Trump's fake electors.

But lying about Milwaukee, then lying about what you said, and lying about whether you even said it only adds up to three lies, but no truths to it.

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