Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tore Trump to shreds on MSNBC's Last Word, and correctly called him out as a great imposter.
Host Lawrence O'Donnell described Republicans fawning over Trump on Capitol Hill as "a shot at the male ego."
O'Donnell: It has astonished me that among, and I mean this as a male ego issue, that among Republican men in the Senate and in the House, male ego somehow disappeared.
And I don't think social psychology has ever seen a phenomenon like this before in the history of the study of male ego.
Pelosi jumped in and did not mince words.
Pelosi: Well, as I say, we don't agonize; we organize.
I don't agonize over their mostly insecurities, as you describe it.
But understand this. This guy, you know, is a former president.
He is a master of projection.
Everything he says about somebody else, whether it's a judge in the courtroom, a witness, a juror, a member of Congress, a woman, an opponent in an election, everything he says is a projection of his own shortcomings.
Crooked this person, he's crooked.
Lazy this person, he's lazy.
Name any subject, any subject that you can name.
Wacky this person, he knows he's wacky.
Name any subject, any subject that you can name.
Wacky this person, he knows he's wacky.
He knows he's an imposter.
Trump is all those things and more. He's a sexual abuser, serial liar, treasonous narcissistic buffoon that wants to destroy US democracy and turn the country into a white supremacist theocracy.
And he holds back his attacks on his own party candidates, just as long as they all bow down to him.