June 30, 2024

Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump insisted that Donald Trump was "leading" the nation even though he is "not officially" president.

While speaking to Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday, Lara Trump said her father-in-law was "feeling great" about his last debate with President Joe Biden.

"You also heard whenever he was in Virginia at that campaign rally, him say to anyone out there who's considering doing anything, before I become president again, don't even try it," the RNC co-chair recalled.

"The fact that you have Donald Trump leading the country right now when he is not officially yet back in the White House speaks volumes to the American people and, I think, to the rest of the world," she continued.

"He is the leader we need right now and he is leading despite the fact Joe Biden is technically the president."

Lara Trump insisted there would be "a huge, huge win for Donald Trump come November 5th."

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