June 14, 2024

Fox News host Jesse Watters did his best to clean up Trump's incoherent ramblings and pretend they make perfect sense.

Watters: We told you Biden can't run on his record, so they're going to drag him across the finish line and replace him with Kamala after inauguration.

But in order to do this, they have to distract you from how old, unfit and incompetent he is.

The way they do that is to slap those labels on Trump.

You'll hear Trump say the most common sense things about Biden's failed policies.

His wind turbines are killing whales, his open borders letting in mental patients, the shower pressure regulations make you have a bad hair day.

This week, Trump said Democrats are going to start putting electric batteries not just in cars, but in boats.

Trump: And if you know anything about how heavy these batteries are, that boat's going down.

So there's a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here.

Do I get electrocuted?

If the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking.

Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted?

Or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?

Watters: You hear that, and you laugh, but it makes sense.

The media hears it and calls him senile.

We are not laughing. It's not funny. It is sad.

Trump's meandering rants about sharks and batteries in boats make no sense at all, but Watters gets paid to clean up on aisle Donald for a living.

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