Can Republicans find a candidate who HASN'T been indicted for a felony? Republican Matt DePerno, who's been charged with felonies for allegedly mishandling voting equipment, said Wednesday he's running for a seat on Michigan's top court.
Another One? Indicted Trump Ally Runs For Michigan's Supreme Court
Credit: Twitter
June 13, 2024

Failed Attorney General candidate, failed Michigan GOP Chair candidate, and soon-to-be convicted of mishandling voting equipment, Matt DePerno will make history once again if he wins the Republican nomination to take on Justice Kyra Harris Bolden, an appointee of Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. DePerno made history in 2022 when he became Michigan’s first candidate for statewide office who ran under the possibility of being indicted by the office he sought, losing to Dana Nessel for Attorney General. Less than a year later she had him arrested.

In his announcement statement, DePerno said without a trace of irony, "It's clear that the Michigan Supreme Court needs members that are committed to following the constitution and rule of law."

Source: Detroit News

Lansing — Republican Matt DePerno, a former attorney general nominee who's been charged with felonies for allegedly mishandling voting equipment, said Wednesday he's running for a seat on Michigan's top court.

In a statement, the Kalamazoo lawyer and ally of former President Donald Trump said it's "clear that the Michigan Supreme Court needs members that are committed to following the constitution and rule of law."

"Activist judges, prosecutors and attorney generals are using their power to prosecute their political enemies," DePerno said. "This has to stop. And that is why I am running for Supreme Court."

The decision by DePerno means he'll pursue the Michigan GOP's nomination for one of the two seats on the state's high court that are up for election this fall and adds to the race someone who's been close with Trump, the likely Republican nominee for president.
DePerno is pursuing the seat on the court currently held by Justice Kyra Harris Bolden, an appointee of Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

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