June 13, 2024

Fox contributor Newt Gingrich went on a racist and misogynistic rant against Joe Biden‘s vice president, resorting to childish and immature caricatures of the first woman vice president.

She's imprinted on the country permanently that she is a really shallow, uneducated and uneducatable person.

And that other than her weird laugh, there's no really significant part to her.

As soon as Joe Biden won the presidency, Fox News began attacking VP Harris as unfit for office to blunt her rise in politics.

What a vile attack. Diminished Donald is having an effect on Newtie because his words are a word salad of hate.

Kamala Harris has accomplished far more than Gingrich ever did in Congress, as brief as it was. Newt's claim to fame was to become the first conspiracy asshole in Congress that shut down the federal government while cheating on his wife and then getting shitcanned from Congress.

VP Harris, on the other hand, graduated from Howard, was San Francisco's District Attorney, California Attorney General, and is now the Vice President of the United States. She has been deeply involved in foreign and domestic issues and is well-received by foreign leaders when she goes abroad, unlike Nasty Newt, who has no laurels to rest his fat ass on.

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