Fox News Trying To Pass Off As Legit This Deceptive Video On Biden
Credit: Screen capture
June 20, 2024

The cheap fake videos attacking President Joe Biden, hitting our airwaves, are circulating at a fast and furious rate (thanks, Fox News & Sinclair!), seemingly without consequence. And it's going to get worse as the election gets closer. Unsurprisingly, Felon 45 is OK with the manipulated videos. These are like Project Veritas videos on steroids.

Trump isn't worried about the deceptive videos because they aren't used to attack him. Trump can be attacked using actual video clips of the ex-President glitching out during each rally multiple times.

The Biden-Harris campaign did a side-by-side of Fox News passing the manipulated video off as legit. Quelle surprise. In that clip, Fox claimed that Biden forgot Secretary Mayorkas's name. Then, the campaign showed the actual footage of Biden not forgetting his name. It's time that someone sues Fox News again for lying to the American people. This seems criminal -- especially during campaign season.


And this is why no one needs to manipulate videos to attack Lumpy:

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