There are so many awful Republicans it's hard to keep track of 'em all. But don't go to sleep on Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana (who should literally be forced to change his name)
June 21, 2024

We all know that as the virus known as MAGA has spread to take out frontal lobes throughout the land, it has most acutely infected Republican elected officials, some of whom were once at least semi-human in their behavior.

So we have Felon Trump, MTG, Bobo, Cancun Cruz and so many, it's easy to lose track of some downright horrible human beings. One of these is Senator Kennedy from Louisiana. He is a Putin stooge and he's a fraud. I go into the specifics of all this in my video, talk about who he really is, from his education to his past party affiliations to how we know Putin pulls his strings.

But I also make sure to highlight the ass-kicking he just took at the hands of Jocelyn Frye in one of his hearings, when he did the usual GOP two-step and grossly lied about when women have abortions, and why, treating women as children in the process. What a scumbag. We go into that too.

Watch the video and keep up with this horrid human-oid. You can also tell me if I pull of a good fake rural Southern accent, like the one Kennedy uses and once again see strong Democrats and women Kicking Ass.

PS If you like this, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to my channel where we do these breakdowns of GOP idiocy, humiliation, and constant loser-dom.

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