Daddy, Why Do I Love President Felon?
Credit: Screencap
June 20, 2024

RSBN was, of course, at the Felon Trump rally in Racine, Kenosha, looking for soundbites for their propaganda machine. They found this likely subject:

She was perfect for their purposes! She was young, pretty, dressed up all patriotically and dumb as a box of rocks:

Reporter: What do you love most about President Trump?

Girl: I don't know. Dad, what do I love most?

Reporter: Everything! It's hard to name just one thing.

Thank goodness it's not a cult, right?

Meanwhile, Mr. And Mrs. John QAnon MAGA are sitting at home feeding off of the propaganda, thinking she's such a nice wholesome girl, all because of the crap the reporter was pushing.

Nope, not a cult. But just to be safe, keep them all away from the Flavor-Ade.

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