Cowardly Vandals Target Homes Of Jewish Leaders Of Brooklyn Museum
Credit: Amy Spitalnick
June 13, 2024

Authorities are investigating after vandals targeted the homes of the Brooklyn Museum's Jewish director and some board members in a cowardly act, using red-smeared paint. This act of targeting Jewish people will not help the Palestinians. What a despicable thing to do, and I'm not sure how, in their minds, they felt this was productive. Jewish people can't even feel safe in their own homes now -- and that's the point.

NBC New York reports:

"The cowards who did this are way over the line into antisemitism, harming the cause they claim to care about, and making everyone less safe," Lander said in a post on X Wednesday.

It wasn't immediately clear who was responsible for the vandalism.

Lander shared photos of a banner hanging outside the graffitied home of what appeared to be Brooklyn Museum Director Anne Pasternak.

According to the NYPD, the department is investigating multiple incidents throughout the city where red paint has been thrown or spray-painted onto homes. The pattern hasn't been limited to any particular borough, they say.

Senior police sources say they're looking for about 15 people. The group was last seen at East 65th Street and Park Avenue in a white U-Haul truck.

There are a lot of bad actors in the pro-Palestine movement, and they need to be condemned by the folks who sincerely want to see change.

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