May 24, 2024

During a Trump rally in Bronx, New York Thursday, the worst president in all our lifetimes told the sycophants attending his Armageddon-fest that the attack on October 7 would have never happened if he was president.

Traitor Trump ranted about Iran and then gave no hope to anyone and callously said this about the fate of hostages.

There's no way that those hostages, and some will be alive, but many of those hostages are dead.

It's a very serious, horrible thing.

Not to be outdone by himself he continued.

It would have never happened if the election weren't rigged.

It would have never happened if I'd been president.

They would have never done it.

Sure, and the recent earthquake in NY would never have happened if you were in office. COVID would never have happened if you were....never mind.

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