May 24, 2024

One supporter of Donald Trump warned Thursday that President Joe Biden's re-election could result in a new civil war.

While waiting for Trump to speak at a Bronx rally, a man who identified himself as a Marine Corps veteran spoke to Gateway Pundit host Jordan Conradson.

"And you know, speaking of that election integrity, how do you expect 2024 to be?" Conradson asked. "Do you think it's going to be fair?"

"I mean, we see what they're trying to do to Trump here in New York, out there in D.C. and Florida with these political persecutions, but also with illegal immigrants flooding across our border, likely probably going to vote in this next election," the Trump supporter replied.

"I mean, do you think it's going to be a secure election?" the host wondered.

"No, it's not," the veteran said. "And that's the number one thing that me and my other veterans was talking about. How do you let all these migrants in the vote?"

"But it's not going to work," he explained. "They're going to try to do the sneaky things and stuff, but you know, we're here and we're going to stand firm. You might have saw that movie, Civil War."

The 2024 film "Civil War" depicts a conflict that fractures the United States. At the end of the film, the president of the United States is executed.

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