Trump Posts Obscene Attack On Joe Scarborough For Memorial Day
May 26, 2024

Former President Donald Trump shared a video of a verbal attack on MSNBC host Joe Scarborough that was filled with expletives.

In a Truth Social Memorial Day message, Trump reposted a video from an Instagram account called "dannyboyhustlehard," which was also shared by Laura Loomer.

"I can't wait for uncle Donnie to win," the protester tells Scarborough. "I can't wait. He'll get rid of all you f***ing liberals."

"He's your uncle?" Scarborough asks.

"You liberals are gone when he f***ing wins. You f***ing blowjob liberals are done. Uncle Donnie's gonna take this election landslide cuz," the protester continues. "Landslide, you f***ing, half a blowjob. Landslide. Get the f*** out of here, you scumbag."

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