May 31, 2024

There is speculation that the UK Conservative Party will be wiped out in Wales after the upcoming general election, losing all their seats. That would be a good thing.

Source: Wales Online

The general election is happening on July 4, 2024, and after all the results are counted, Wales will have 32 MPs. If the poll projections are correct, it is due to be a good night for the Labour Party while the Conservatives could, according to some commentators, face total wipeout.

There is some speculation and whether it could be the Conservatives' worst elections since 1997 and 2001 when they failed to take any seats. Polls before the election was called show the Conservatives could hold one or two seats - the newly-created Brecon, Radnor and Cwm Tawe, and/or the seat of Montgomeryshire.

There are a number of seats where the results could be particularly interesting, and those which the political parties themselves are investing all they can to try and win. Labour believe every seat is in play and are hoping to deliver a total wipeout of the Conservatives who represent Westminster.

Rosie's video from the hillside in Wales.

Certainly, it hasn't been a rip-roaring success for the Tories in Wales after PM Rishi Sunak called the general election on May 22. Since then there have been more than a few faux pas (a French word for fuck ups).

And the anthemic "If You Tolerate This Then Your Children Will Be Next" by the Manic Street Preachers in Cardiff, Wales.

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