May 22, 2024

Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov played the widely-mocked clip from French channel 24 and then went into a rant on how Israel uses political assassination to further their goals.

Source: Daily Beast

Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov says the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi should really be viewed as a potential “political murder”—because have you seen the reports that the pilot was a Mossad agent named “Eli Copter?”

In an episode of his show on Rossiya 1 late Monday, Solovyov raged against those who celebrated the death of Ebrahim Raisi and took on a stern tone as he fell for a viral internet meme that exploded in the wake of the Iranian leader’s death.

Citing “a French channel,” Solovyov aired a clip from a French-language segment of an Israeli TV network in which the anchor told viewers that Hamas “claims the helicopter pilot was a Mossad agent” named “Eli Copter.” The anchor, Daniel Haik, has already been widely mocked for taking the internet joke at face value and reciting it on-air.

A shorter version of the clip.

And Julia Davis' tweet.

As reported on the French channel 24, with English subtitles added.

Memes abounded after that, with this one probably the most popular.

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