May 16, 2024

Six years ago, Donald Trump, Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, Paul Ryan and others gathered in Racine County to make a lot of noise about Foxconn promising to build a giant plant there that would create tens of thousands of jobs. But like all of Trump's promises, this promise was as empty as his head and his wallet. Foxconn never built that big plant and never created those jobs.

Fast forward to last week, when President Dark Brandon showed up on the same spot and made an announcement that, if you will pardon the expression, was a big fucking deal. He announced that Microsoft was going to invest $3 billion of its own money to build a huge AI data center where Foxconn was supposed to be. Microsoft president Brad Smith credited and thanked Biden, saying that it was only happening because of Biden's infrastructure law, the CHIPS and Science Law, and the Inflation Reduction Act.

It was such a big deal that former Republican Wisconsin lawmakers and even Fox News admitted that this was a big win for the people of Wisconsin and for Biden.

However, a few petulant Republicans tried to say Biden had nothing to do with it. That line of bull reached a crescendo on Tuesday when the Bradley Foundation-subsidized MacIver Institute went so far as to try to give credit to Trump and his Foxconn failure.

They start their fractured manufacturing fairy tale by saying Trump just happened to be flying over the area and just so happened to look up from his mean tweets to look out the window and just so happened to say that it would be a good spot for a Foxconn plant.

Then the unnamed MacIver writer said that Biden had nothing to do with Microsoft, and that Brad Smith was a big, old, snot-faced, poopy-headed liar for trying to credit Biden.

They wrapped things up with this ridiculous drivel which actually goes a long way to explain why the author did not want to be identified:

Republicans certainly did dig a hole six years ago in Mount Pleasant, and Microsoft just laid a foundation in it.

Donald Trump, Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, and all the other Republican leaders who helped forge the Foxconn deal should be taking a victory lap over Microsoft’s $3.3 billion project. Instead, everyone seems mostly content with letting Biden take the win. That’s a big mistake. Wisconsin is the only battleground state where Biden is leading Trump. Letting him take credit for Microsoft, while bashing the Foxconn deal, is going to help Biden put Wisconsin in the bag early and focus on other states.

Furthermore, it’s dangerous to let a company like Microsoft allow Biden to turn its event into a campaign rally. In a very real sense, Biden just enjoyed a $3.3 billion in-kind campaign contribution from Microsoft. That company stands to benefit enormously from that act if Biden wins the elections, and they know they have never to worry about if he doesn’t. Without any fear of repercussions, other companies would be foolish not to follow suit.

Man, talk about sour grapes!

If they are this bad now, I'd hate to see just how petulant they will get in November when more of Trump's failures turns into more of Biden's wins.

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