Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reacted with laughter Sunday after Fox News host Maria Bartiromo asked him if President Joe Biden should take a drug test before the 2024 presidential debates.
May 19, 2024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. reacted with laughter Sunday after Fox News host Maria Bartiromo asked him if President Joe Biden should take a drug test before the 2024 presidential debates.

Bartiromo's question came during her Sunday Morning Futures program on Fox News.

"Let me get your take on this," she told Kennedy. "Mr. Kennedy, do you believe that President Biden should take a drug test before the debate?"

Kennedy's immediate reaction was laughter.

"I, you know, I just want to — I just think that he should have to debate," he replied. "I think that you know I don't think it's good for democracy if we don't have presidential debates."

"They ought to debate the people, you know, all the people who are — who meet the criteria," he added.

"And so you don't want to even touch that," Bartiromo pressed. "You're not going to touch that in terms of a drug test."

"No, I'm not going to go there," Kennedy confirmed.

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