Many voters don’t blame Donald Trump or Republicans for the Supreme Court’s increasingly right-wing decisions. This coalition wants to change that.
May 14, 2024

Here's some good news! United For Democracy is gearing up to launch a $10 million campaign centered on “the MAGA Supreme Court.” They plan to spend $1 million on ads in Arizona and Pennsylvania, as well as in the Washington, D.C., area. Via Rolling Stone:

The United for Democracy coalition, which launched last year with a seven-figure ad buy, counts 140 member organizations, including major labor unions, reproductive rights advocates, environmental groups, and liberal think tanks.

Stasha Rhodes, campaign director for United for Democracy, says the coalition’s latest campaign is about “talking to Americans across the country about the issues they care about, and how the Supreme Court is connected to either rolling back the progress or standing in the way of us being able to make progress on those issues.” The point, she says, “is taking this message outside of Washington, and directly to the American people.”

Republicans’ outsized role in crafting a radically right-wing Supreme Court — one that treats mass shootings as constitutionally unavoidable, ushered in abortion bans or restrictions in 21 states, and affords anonymous donors virtually unchecked power to buy political candidates and judges — might seem painfully obvious to some political observers, but surveys show it’s not.

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