May 22, 2024

Aspiring banshee Marge Greene is shrieking that the Justice Department authorized the use of “deadly force” during the FBI's Mar-a-Lago search as a plan to “assassinate” the former president. Via the Independent:

That raid on the former president’s Florida residence on 8 August 2022 ended with the FBI seizing hundreds of documents. On Tuesday, newly-unsealed court filings showed that four additional classified documents were discovered in Mr Trump’s bedroom in the months following the bureau’s search at Mar-a-Lago.

[...] In a fiery response, Mr Trump accused the Biden administration of soliciting the use of “deadly force” during the raid – which he called “unconstitutional” on Truth Social. He also sent his Maga followers a fundraising email with the subject line: “They were authorized to shoot me!”

Citing an operating order, the newly-unsealed filing stated: “Law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary.”

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