May 26, 2024

A lot of folks discovered who Jasmine Crockett is this week. But she's been destroying bad-faith-Republican arguments and bad-faith Republicans for a while. She has an amazing ability to take Republicans apart with a big smile and "you're doing great" condescension as she does it.

A happy warrior.

And an incredibly effective one in trying to preserve our fragile democracy. In other words, taking apart Marjorie Taylor Greene with, as it's now known, the 6Bs attack wasn't her first rodeo. I suspect as a young Black woman, she hasn't gotten the same attention of some of her white male colleagues for obvious reasons.

So, for Memorial Day Weekend (have a happy one, folks!), we took this one out of the vault from Cliff Schecter's Youtube Channel, "Cliff's Edge," where she went after her male GOP colleagues for a certain lack of...well, you could say not so impressive...oh, ya know, something to do with the size of their...egos. Yeah, that's it. Egos.

Watch her use all the skills mentioned above to just own Republicans. It was glorious. When you're done watching the video, go subscribe to Cliff's channel. He has a lot more videos of Jasmine Crockett and other rising Democratic stars.

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