May 23, 2024

FYI, "The Apprentice" refers to Trump's mentorship by Roy Cohn. The film contains a controversial scene depicting Trump raping his wife Ivana. In Ivana Trump’s 1990 divorce deposition, she stated that Trump raped her. Trump denied the allegation and Ivana Trump later said she didn’t mean it literally, but rather that she had felt violated. Of course, that was after a settlement which probably included one of Trump's famous NDAs. Via the Associated Press:

That scene and others make “The Apprentice” a potentially explosive big-screen drama in the midst of the U.S. presidential election. The film is for sale in Cannes, so it doesn’t yet have a release date.

After the premiere, Abbasi addressed the Cannes audience, saying “there is no nice metaphorical way to deal with the rising wave of fascism.”

“The good people have been quiet for too long,” he said. “So I think it’s time to make movies relevant. It’s time to make movies political again.”

[...] “In the time of turmoil, there’s this tendency to look inwards, to bury your head deep in the sand, look inside and hope for the best — hope for the best, hope for the storm to get away,” Abbasi said. “But the storm is not going to get away. The storm is coming. The worst times are coming.”

It's not widely known, but Trump loved movies and applied to USC film school because he wanted to be a producer. I often wonder what the world would be like if he'd been accepted. No doubt he'd be just another sociopathic Hollywood predator.

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