Alina Habba, Donald Trump's attorney, said she had "worries" about jurors in her client's hush money trial being influenced by liberals and losing "all sense of reality" over the Memorial Day weekend.
May 26, 2024

Alina Habba, Donald Trump's attorney, said she had "worries" about jurors in her client's hush money trial being influenced by liberals and losing "all sense of reality" over the Memorial Day weekend.

During a Sunday interview on Fox News, guest host Sean Duffy complained because Justice Juan Merchan delayed closing arguments and jury deliberations until after the holiday weekend.

"I want to tell you what, there's a silver lining in this, Alina," Duffy said. "I don't want a juror on Thursday or Friday going into Memorial Day weekend to go, you know what? I got a party going on. I want to end this case early."

"I think it could bode well for President Trump, for those people on the jury who understand the law and the facts to fight for him and fight for justice," the Fox News host added.

Habba offered a counterargument by suggesting the jury should have been sequestered.

"And for them to be able to be out and about on a holiday weekend with friends and families who have opinions, who are watching the news, TV's on the background at the pool party, I have serious concerns," she opined. "If they're left-winging and they're watching MSDNC, as my client calls it, or CNN, they're not going to get fair news."

"They're going to hear, but by the way, they have been saying that this case is a hoax, which is shocking, but they know that the jurors are out there listening," Habba continued. "I have worries about them going back to whatever friends might have, Trump derangement syndrome, forgetting all sense of reality and coming back and sitting in that box and saying, you know what, I've got to do, you know, take one for the DNC."

"I want law to fact, because if we can get that, we will win. We will not just get a hung jury. We will get an acquittal."

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