MAGA Kevin Sorbo Wants To Make Something Illegal That Is Already Illegal
Credit: Bluegal composite
April 14, 2024

MAGA cult guru and has-been actor Kevin Sorbo offered up his latest sage words to his followers who are apparently brainless to those who actually have a brain.

Republicans trying to use immigration to further their white Christian nationalistic movement continue to make fools of themselves as flatulent Speaker Johnson and Diminished Donald are trying to pass legislation to make it illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections.

Enter Kevin MAGA Sorbo , who tweeted this:

"If illegals aren’t voting in our elections, why do you care if we make it illegal?"

There's many reasons for this, but the first one is that it's already illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections.

Will Kevin MAGA Sorbo demand that House Republicans pass a law saying President Biden can't murder his political rivals? Oh, wait. In Sorbo's world, he'd want a bill passed that certifies Trump can murder anyone he chooses without consequences as a former or current president.

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