California banker and carpetbagger Eric "Pornstache" Hovde once again showed that he isn't from Wisconsin and doesn't give a damn about Wisconsin residents. In this case, he went on a radio squawk show to doublespeak about the 2020 elections. Hovde likes to deny believing The Big Lie but then cites the different conspiracy theories almost verbatim.
But one comment from Hovde really stands out.
Benson asked Hovde what his strategy would be for handling constant media questions about former President Donald Trump’s stolen election claims, especially after Trump endorsed Hovde last week. Hovde responded by saying that he does not believe the 2020 election was stolen, but he did claim that there were things that happened in 2020 that were “very troublesome,” like a high number of people in nursing homes voting.
“We had nursing homes where the sheriff of Racine investigated, where you had 100% voting in nursing homes,” Hovde said. “Well, if you’re in a nursing home, you only have five, six-month life expectancy. Almost nobody in a nursing home is in a point to vote and you had children, adult children showing up saying, ‘Who voted for my 85 or 90-year-old father or mother?’”
Obviously, this is patently false. A large number of people in the nursing home are there simply for rehabilitation or because they need a lower level of nursing care than they would get in a hospital. The article also reports that quite a few people over the age of 65 might need care for five years or longer.
But wait, there's more. There's always more.
Before Hovde signed the death certificates for everyone in a nursing home, he also whined about what the right calls "Zuckerbucks." Zuckerbucks are just their name for a private grant that Mark Zuckerberg and his wife donated to places all over the country to help defray the cost of conducting elections. Hovde's focus was just on the bigger cities in Wisconsin because they got more money. Well, duh, the bigger the city, the higher the cost of conducting a fair election. But there is also another big omission that Hovde doesn't want people to know about:
The state’s five largest cities, all of which President Joe Biden won, received $8.8 million. They were among roughly 200 communities in Wisconsin that received around $10 million as part of $350 million given out nationally.
The vast number of those 200 communities were red, including the City of Waukesha, which used its $42,000 for new election machines and other costs associated with running an election.
My advice for old Pornstache would be to go back to Laguna Beach and start boning up on facts and figures about Wisconsin. His lack of knowledge over even the most basic things about the state he wants to represent is just embarrassing.