Trump's Bond Cut To $175 Million If He Pays Up Now -- He's got ten days to come up with $175 million. Meanwhile, Stormy trial is set for April 15.
Trump Gets 'Good' News And Very Bad News
Credit: @bluegal (Composite) via Getty Images and BingAI
March 25, 2024

It looks like Don Poorleone (thanks, Xitter!) has a ten-day reprieve and has convinced the court he doesn't have the money to appeal his judgment. AP via Kos:

A New York appeals court on Monday agreed to hold off collection of former President Donald Trump’s $454 million civil fraud judgment — if he puts up $175 million within 10 days.

If he does, it will stop the clock on collection and prevent the state from seizing the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's assets while he appeals.

The development came just before New York Attorney General Letitia James was expected to initiate efforts to collect the judgment.

And then he walked out into the hallway and LIED.

Trump is trying to pretend that his judgment got reduced, and not just the bond. Anyone who believes him about anything is a chump.

Meanwhile, here comes Stormy!!!

Stay tuned....

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