March 26, 2024

Every day Donald Trump tells us who he is, and every day media downplays him. Here's a perfect example of it.

During his whacko press conference on Monday, CNN reporter Kate Sullivan asked him specifically whether he accepts money from a foreign government to pay his bond or fines.

"No, I don’t," he replied flatly. "I don’t do that."

Oh, Okay!!! No more worries about him being compromised, then. Cool!!!!

But wait, he wasn't finished.

"I think you’d be allowed to, possibly," he added, helpfully.

"I don’t know. I mean, if you go borrow from a big bank, many of the banks are outside of this [country], as you know," he mused. "The biggest banks, frankly, are outside of our country."

The two biggest banks, in fact, are JP Morgan and Bank of America, both U.S. banks. There are also some large Chinese banks. Is that what he's talking about?

"So you could do that, but I don’t need to borrow money," he hastened to add. "I have a lot of money."

Except he really doesn't have a lot of money. He didn't have enough to nail the bond for nearly half a billion dollars until the appeals court in New York kindly reduced that to $175 million, for which he now claims he will put up cash to meet.

We shall see. But it's clear here that he hasn't ruled out taking money from foreign governments, so he ought to just put a FOR SALE sign on his chest and call it a day.

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