March 2, 2024

I did not know this until yesterday, but Deep Purple's Smoke On The Water is actually based a story about how the band was in Montreux to record some tracks. They were to record in a casino there after Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention played a concert. However, during the concert, some idiot shot off a flare gun towards the ceiling, which caught on fire and the entire building burned to the ground.

Anyway, they have just released a deluxe edition of Machine Head, the album on which the song was first released. In honor of the new release, the song finally got its official video, which was released just yesterday. Using AI technology, the video reminds me a bit of the classic movie Heavy Metal mixed in with some other genres. It also shows clips from actual real life concerts as well.

As a point of interest, the guy who did the remixing is Dweezil Zappa, son of Frank Zappa, which kind of brings the whole thing full circle.

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